1970 Monte SS 454

1970 Chevrolet Monte SS 454
Our new one: Monte Carlo

People have told us it looks like five or six thousand dollars.
And naturally we're flattered.
But let's understand each other right off.
The Monte Carlo is not an expensive car.
Not compared to other fine cars anyway.
The revealing truth is: If you can afford a Chevy, you can afford a Monte Carlo.
Which by itself is pretty good reason to run right out and buy one. But wait. There are more. For instance you'll be able to say to your friends and neighbors: "You wouldn't believe what a great car my Monte Carlo is to drive." It's true.
The trim design and tidy dimensions make Monte Carlo one of the world's more maneuverable luxury cars. (Wheelbase is 116 inches.)
And its 350-cubic-inch V8 makes it one of the more spirited.
So if you think Monte Carlo is just another pretty face, you're in for a happy surprise.
Power disc brakes, deep twist carpeting, electric clock, new higher intensity headlamps, Astro Ventilation, Full Coil suspension, fiberglass-belted tires: They’re all on the base car.
(Obviously the base car is not very base.)
Monte Carlo.
Chevrolet's whole new field of one.
The first car of its kind even us guys who work for a living can swing.
On the move: The Chevrolet 70s.

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