1957 Buick

1957 Buick
When better automobiles are built Buick will build them

A new luxury comes to motoring

You see before you a car whose sole purpose for being is to bring you a new magnificence in fine-car travel.
The name is Roadmaster 75—and much of its excellence speaks for itself.
You swing open the doors and discover each is fully upholstered right up to the windows.
You see wide, soft seats covered in super-finish wool broadcloth or nylon fabrics and trimmed with soft, supple, hand-buffed leather.
You find the carpeting is more buoyantly resilient. The safety-cushioned instrument panel has a new chrome fashion note. And that a full array of power accessories — for steering, braking, windows and front seat — are all here to add to your luxury.
Yet it is its way of travel that makes Roadmaster 75 such a magnificent possession.
The silken power sweep that comes from its new V8 engine.
The brilliant performance of its new instant Dynaflow — performance so smooth and obediently responsive that its peer cannot be found in any other fine car in the world.
The wondrous new ease of its handling and the consummate new comfort of its ride.


Along with all this, comes a new standard for braking, too — with the new sureness and smoothness of its air-cooled aluminum front brakes, newest and finest in the fine-car field.

So you should see and drive this new Roadmaster 75 without delay. Call your Buick dealer — he'll be proud to tell you all.


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